The New York Composers Circle Board of Directors Elects New Chair and Appoints New Board Members
The New York Composers Circle Board of Directors Elects New Chair and Appoints New Board Members
New York, NY - [January 30, 2024] - The New York Composers Circle Board of...
Acoustic Hygiene, Lunar Eclipses, and Orientalism
Scenes from the fall season's first salon of the New York Composers CircleBen Gambuzza (original article here)Yesterday, in a little studio on the eighth floor of the National Opera Center on Seventh...
Announcement in "La Voce" in Rome
Following is a write up about the musical exploits of soprano Dominika Zamara in “La Voce," the newspaper in Rome, Italy. Zamara, who is a resident in Milan, is performing Three Poems of Henry Wadsworth...
Fun With New Pieces From the New York Composers Circle
https://newyorkmusicdaily.wordpress.com/2023/02/14/nycomposers/by delarueAnyone who thinks contemporary classical music is stuffy wasn’t at the National Opera Center last night for a slate of new compositions...
The New York Composers Circle Keep the Creative Torch Burning Through Troubled Times
The New York Composers Circle Keep the Creative Torch Burning Through Troubled Timesby delarueLast night at the cozy little Church of the Transfiguration on East 29th Street, the New York Composers Circle...
New York Composers Circle Announces 2022-23 New York City Concert Dates
October 3, 2022
For Immediate Release
Contact: Jeffrey James Arts Consulting
516-586-3433 or jamesarts@att.net
New York Composers Circle Announces 2022-23 New York City Concert Dates
New York Composers Circle to Present A Concert Of New Music At Manhattan's Church Of The Transfiguration
In recognition of the loss of Raoul Pleskow (1930-2022), long time composer-member of NYCC, Craig Ketter will perform Souvenir, which the composer dedicated to him.by Chloe Rabinowitz May. 26, 2022 New...
New York Composers Circle presents ‘A Concert of New Music for Voice and Instruments’ this spring
New York Composers Circle will present a concert of new music on Thursday, April 21.
The show, entitled “A Concert of New Music for Voice and Instruments,” will feature works by NYCC members that...
NYCC Presents . . . from Latin Post
New York Composers Circle Presents 'A Concert of New Chamber Music' on March 15By Jessel Thomas First Posted: Feb 26, 2022 08:14 PM EST What: New York Composers Circle Concert of New Chamber Music
New York Composers Circle to Present Concert Of New Chamber Music At Manhattan's Church Of The Transfiguration
Performers will be soprano Jacqueline Milena Thompson, mezzo-soprano Jessica Bowers, Principal Bassoon of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Will Short, and more.by Chloe Rabinowitz Feb. 23, 2022
We Remember: Composer Jacob E. Goodman
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2021TAGS: Featured
The Shalin Liu grand piano at sunset during sessions for Jacob Goodman’s Variations on a Theme of Beethoven
“Every one of our members has benefitted from...
Tania León: Clive Paget, Limelight Magazine Review
Clive Paget, Limelight Magazine, had this to write about Tania J. Leon composition Stride commissioned by the NY Philharmonic as part of Project 19.
Born in Havana in 1943, Tania León is a perfect...
NYCC Concert of New Music for Mixed Chamber Ensembles – March 19, 2019
A review by Gina Genova
Hubert Howe, Executive Director of the New York Composers Circle, gives opening remarks at the March 19, 2019 concert
New York Composers Circle (NYCC) presented a concert...
Music of Richard Brooks and Raoul Pleskow at New York Composers Circle, Dec. 10
New York Composers Circle presents eleven new pieces by composers including Raoul Pleskow (Piano Trio) and Richard Brooks(Dialogue), among other works by David Mecionis, Carl Kanter, and more. Trio Namaste...
C4: The Choral Composer/Conductor Collective presents New Music with NY Composers Circle
Posted on May 31, 2018 by Jean Ballard Terepka at theaterscene.net in Choral, MusicIn the midst of wild rains on a recent early spring evening, a small but eager, astute audience of musicians, composers...
Music of Richard Brooks, Peri Mauer, David Mecionis, and much more, NYCC, March 19
New York Composers Circle presents a concert of premieres - Tues. March 19 at 7:30 pm. Marc Scorca Hall at National Opera Center in New York City - 330 Seventh Ave., 7th Floor. Adm $20; Students free.
New Music Performed by Craig Hultgren, cellist – January 25, 2018 at New York City’s National Opera Center
Reviewed by Admin
New Music for Cello, Craig Hultgren, cellist, January 25, 2018
The National Opera Center, Marc A. Scorca Hall, 330 7th Avenue in New York, NY
The New York Composers Circle...
Second half NYCC season features five upcoming concerts - beginning Jan. 25
Sample of upcoming season concerts from New York Composers Circle. *
New Music for Cello, performed by Craig Hultgren, Marc A. Scorca Hall, National Opera Center, 330 7th Ave., between 28th & 29th...
NYCC selected as a WNYC *STAR*
WNYC® New York Public Radio is very pleased to announce that the New York Composer Circle has been selected for the monthly Salute The ARts *STAR* Initiative. Listen for the mentions on 93.9 FM and AM...
NYCC: A Concert of New Music February 21, 2017 7:00 PM at Saint Peter’s Church
Review by Jacob ElkinThe New York Composers Circle is an illustrious collective of artists with vision and perspective. Last Tuesday’s concert highlighted some of their member’s string writing, exquisitely...
NYCC Concert – June 4, 2016 at NYC’s Nimoy/Thalia Theater at Symphony Space
A review by independent critic Mark Greenfest.
The New York Composers Circle presented a concert on June 4, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Leonard Nimoy/Thalia Theater at Symphony Space in New York. This...
End-of-the-Year Roundup by Leonard J. Lehrman
As 2015 winds down, I’d like to express my gratitude to soundwordsight, its webmaster and readers, for welcoming me as both reviewer and reviewee. The most recent issue of The New Music Connoisseur,...
John Eaton 80th Birthday Concert
Rerouted | An opera by John Eaton (click link to watch on YouTube)
Help fund composer John Eaton's 80th birthday concert celebration at Symphony Space this fall!
When the New York Composers Circle realized...
NYCC at New York's Saint Peter's Church at Citicorp Center
Review by independent New York classical music critic Mark Greenfest.
The New York Composers Circle (NYCC), a membership organization of composers and performers, hosted A Concert of New Music with...
A Concert of New Music for Winds and Piano - A Review
The Glass Blog
Written by Dave Hall
On Tuesday, April 21, 2015, I was pleased to attend a New York Composers Circle concert at St. Peter’s Church in New York City. Like previous NYCC concerts I’ve...