Video Gallery

Following are a few video selections from the most recent NYCC sponsored concerts and events. To view more videos by the New York Composers Circle and its member composers, please visit our YouTube Channel by clicking the button below. To view our photo gallery on Flickr, please click the Photos button below.

Transfigured Skyline: A Concert of New Music

A concert of new music presented on May 22, 2023, at Mary Flagler Cary Hall at the DiMenna Center, New York City, including music by Emiko Hayashi, Patricia Leonard, Paul Aljian, Simona Smirnova, Alexander Vustin, Davide Capobianco, Barrett Kalellis, and Timothy Miller. The concert featured a performance by Italian operatic soprano Dominika Zamara.

A Celebration of Master of Modernism

A concert presented on May 18, 2022, at Little Church Around the Corner, of music by David Mecionis, Roger Blanc, Tamara Cashour, Stefan Wolpe, Raoul Pleskow, Jeffrey Niederhoffer, John Eaton, Dary John Mizelle, and Donald Martino. The concert featured performances by Esther Lamnick, Christopher Oldfather, and Rolf Schulte, noted performers of contemporary and modern music.

Dreamflower Sessions

Video projects recorded during the COVID-19 lock-downs between April and May 2021 of music by composers of the New York Composers Circle, including music by Jacob Goodman, Madelyn Byrne, Dana Richardson, Richard Brooks, Hubert Howe, Raoul Pleskow, John de Clef Piñeiro, Kevin McCarter, Patricia Leonard, David Picton, Jeffrey Niederhoffer, Mark Belodubrovsky, Timothy Miller, Anton Rovner, and Mark Landsen.

These works were released between May and December 2021 in lieu of concerts, which had to be canceled.

COVID-19 Projects

Video projects recorded during the summer of 2020 during the COVID-19 lock-downs of music by composers of the New York Composers Circle, including music by Robert Cohen, Eugene Marlow, Eric Heilner, Christopher Sahar, David Mecionis, Kevin McCarter, Timothy Lee Miller, and Dary John Mizelle.

Each of these works was also broadcast on July 18, 2020, on the Russian Spread Spectrum Music Festival, which was broadcast online from Moscow.