Artistic Director
The Artistic Director will be responsible for conceiving, developing and implementing NYCC's artistic vision and focus. The Artistic Director will also be responsible for making major decisions concerning the aesthetic values and activities of NYCC in consultation with the Executive Director or Steering Committee. Duties include:
● Evaluating, appointing, hiring, and supervising artistic personnel, including performers, conductors, designers, and managers;
● Developing and implementing concert programs for each season;
● Working directly with the Production Manager and Technical Director;
● Working with the Executive Director and Treasurer to develop annual program budgets;
● Acting as a spokesperson for NYCC's artistic purpose via speaking engagements, public and social appearances, and, as requested, at fundraising events and solicitations;
● Fostering the development of good relations with other cultural organizations by participating in meetings and joint activities where appropriate;
● Reporting to the Board of Directors regularly to give an update on artistic activity and direction;
● Supervising the maintenance of any written procedures manuals for technical and production staff;
● Personally producing at least one concert per season.
Salon Director
The Salon Director oversees all aspects of the planning and execution of NYCC’s Salon series through the implementation of the Salon Guidelines. They select a committee of volunteers from the membership to assist in selecting the program for each salon. Duties include:
● Finalizing selection of pieces to be presented in each salon;
● Selecting live presentations for in-person salons;
● Collecting all materials (links, pdf manuscripts, recordings, etc.) for each salon;
● Forwarding all materials and agenda to the Executive Director prior to the salon.
Technical Director
The Technical Director oversees all technical production aspects of concerts, salons, and other activities, heads the Production Team, and directs the Website Administrator. Duties include:
● Conceiving technical strategies for concerts and other productions;
● Producing and directing live broadcasts;
● Monitoring technical strategies for effectiveness and identifying areas of improvement;
● Scouting for and evaluating new technology and tools;
● Serving as Salon IT Facilitator (arranging and running the online portion of a salon and any visual projections) unless a substitute is assigned to the task.
Production Manager
The Production Manager will facilitate communication for each concert across all creative and technical departments. The Production Manager will act as the Artistic Director's right hand in concert presentations, overseeing sets, props, lights, and sound and calling all technical cues during performances. Duties include:
● Planning, organizing, and implementing all aspects of a concert production;
● Overseeing, where necessary, such operations as sets, props, lights, and sound;
● Calling all technical cues during concerts;
● Coordinating and contracting with third-party vendors for audio, video, and other necessary technical needs of each concert;
● Assembling and assigning a team of volunteers for duties such as concert setup and striking, stagehand, reception organization and service, and door duty;(13)
● Guiding the Stage Manager when necessary;
● Delegating all Stagehands and their tasks to the Stage Manager.
Stage Manager
The Stage Manager will serve, under the Production Manager's guidance, to ensure all on-stage elements of each concert are planned correctly and executed in a timely fashion. The specific duties of the Stage Manager can vary based on factors such as the scale and complexity of a given production. Duties include:
● Conceiving each concert's “stage plan” to ensure the best possible placement and removal of stage set elements, including but not limited to performer gear, instruments, chairs, and stands;
● Instructing, directing, and delegating stagehands in the execution of the stage plan;
● Ensuring that performers and composers are ready for their entrances and are aware of their spots;
● Provide or delegate any necessary additional support during dress rehearsals and performances.
Stage Hands
The Stagehands will work behind the scenes and on stage to facilitate the execution of the stage plan for each concert under the direction of the Stage Manager. Duties include:
● Helping to unpack or place gear, including sound, lighting, and video equipment;
● Helping to unpack or place, when directed, instruments and other performer equipment;
● Learning the Stage Manager's stage plan such that each Stagehand thoroughly understands their positions, actions, and timings;
● Executing the concert stage plan unobtrusively;
● Moving any large stage item, such as a piano, to its necessary position in the course of a concert;
● Operating, when directed, sound, video, or visual effects equipment;
● Operating, when directed, fly systems to raise and lower lighting or scenery;
● Supporting, when directed, production teams by the preparation, collection, or distribution of items such as props, furniture, seating, and safety barriers;
● Ensuring that the performance venue, props, and furnishings are ready for use by the performers and audience;
● Assisting with concert setup and striking.
(13) It is recommended that stagehands be chosen, where possible, either from our newest composer members or from interested local students who are involved in music, theater, or stage productions.