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Richard D. Russell


A multi-year ASCAPlus winner, RICHARD D. RUSSELL's music has been performed interInationally and at prominent venues in New York. Highlights include a September 11, 2002 memorial performance of “Remembrances” at Merkin Concert Hall, and a performance of “Design for Lightning” by trombonist Haim Avitsur in Israel. As well, his music has been performed in Bulgaria and Japan. In New York, some venues have included Symphony Space Thalia, CAMI Hall, the Ethical Culture Society, and Mannes College of Music.

Richard’s most recent success was an awarded commission by Fordham University’s “Poets Out Loud” faculty group; this commission was refereed by the esteemed musicologist Lawrence Kramer.

A lifelong lover of music, Richard heard Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” at age 13 and soon began his formal piano studies. Shortly thereafter he began composing. Over the years he has also studied guitar, trumpet, violin, and percussion. He earned his BA in Music Composition from Blackburn College (Illinois), graduating magna cum laude, and is currently pursuing his Masters at SUNY Empire State. He has presented lectures on the interdisciplinary nature of creativity at Mannes College of Music, to the New York Composers Circle, and to the East Hanover School District (NJ). He publishes a podcast, Creativity and Composition, available at iTunes. In addition, he publishes the online blog version of Creativity and Composition.

Richard Russell has been active in the New York Composers Circle for several years, having served on its Steering Committee and acting as Managing Director, as well as the former website administrator and "In The Loop" newsletter editor. He is currently the artistic consultant for In Mid Air Productions, which has presented several of Richard’s pieces.

Richard Russell’s music is published by Design for Lightning Music (ASCAP).

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