John de Clef Piñeiro
Former Member Board of Directors
Former Chair of the Board of Directors
JOHN de CLEF PIÑEIRO, a graduate of Yale Law School, is the former First Deputy General Counsel of the New York City Housing Authority and a composer by avocation. He describes himself as an autodidact when it comes to his passion for new music and composition, and is a long-standing member of the American Music Center (now New Music USA) and a member of ASCAP. He is also known in the new music community as an editorial contributor of concert and CD reviews and interviews for The New Music Connoisseur. His works have been performed in concert halls and public schools and college venues in New York City and elsewhere in the United States, and in new music festivals in Europe and Latin America.
John de Clef Piñeiro became a member of the NYCC Board of Directors in 2010, after serving for two consecutive two-year terms as the Executive Director of the New York Composers Circle, and has just concluded four years as the NYCC's former Board Chairman.