C4: Choral Composers/Conductors Collective
C4 made their NYCC debut on a performance on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 | NEW MUSIC by NYCC performed by C4, at "Little Church Around the Corner" Church of the Transfiguration. Member composer David See, who is also a member of C4, helped organize the performance.
The Choral Composer/Conductor Collective is a unique ensemble of singers, composers and conductors, performing pieces written within the last 25 years, premiering and commissioning new choral works, and mentoring emerging singers, composers, and conductors of today's choral music.
In a city teeming with exceptional vocal ensembles of every kind, C4 is a standout, not just because of their fine programming and unique collaborative structure, but also for their consistently beautiful and balanced sound, excellent precision, warmth, and energy.
~ Lauren Alfano, I Care If You Listen
A highlight was Niimi’s Concerto for Chorus (Bios)...which was given a scintillating account by 18 singers in the ensemble C4, with Timothy Brown conducting...[T]his nine-minute a cappella work for mixed chorus featured much divisi writing and complex polyrhythms that Brown and the singers transformed into exhilarating vocal pyrotechnics.
~ John Fleming, Classical Voice North America
Their subtly attuned awareness of each others' musical movements makes their technical virtuosity seem near effortless.
~ Jean Ballard Terepka, Theatre Scene
They seem to revel in the challenges other choirs avoid like the plague. ... The group's dynamic is a lesson in exceeding expectations.
~ Christian Carey, Sequenza 21
The C4 Network is a loose federation of like-minded new music choruses around the country. We are proud to announce the launch of the Network's website, c4net.work. You can find out more about the Network and member choruses, but the most important feature is a database of new choral music performed by the member choruses and/or composed by members of the choruses. Searchable by mood, voicing, composer and more, we hope it can serve as a resource for choruses looking for new music to perform.