2003-2004 — Season 2

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Saint Peter's Church at Citicorp Center

Eugene W. McBride — Six Movements for Strings and Piano

  1. Prelude
  2. Breathless in New York
  3. Somethin’ Else Waltz
  4. The Mysterious Knight
  5. Brief But Intense
  6. Epilogue
  • Yuri Vodovoz, violin, Diliana Momtchilova, cello, Tara Chambers, cello, Nancy Garniez, piano

Margaret Fairlie-Kennedy — Windrider/Final Ascent

(dance in memory of Ineke)

  • Mary Barto, flute, Nancy Garniez, piano

César Vuksic — Conflict (1975)

  • César Vuksic, piano

Fedor Kabalin — Poem and Rhymes

  • Diliana Momtchilova, cello, Nancy Garniez, piano

Debra Kaye — Incidental Ducklings (excerpt from The Ugly Duckling)

  1. Duckling Dance
  2. Ducks in Summer and an Interruption from the Old Duck
  3. The Ugly Duckling Has A Lesson in Duck Etiquette
  • Yuri Vodovoz, violin, Diliana Momtchilova, cello, Nancy Garniez, piano

Andy Teirstein — Duo: Kopanitza

  • Yuri Vodovoz, violin, Andy Teirstein, piano

Jacob E. Goodman — Variations for a Rainy Afternoon

  • Mary Barto, flute; Yuri Vodovoz, violin; Diliana Momtchilova, cello; Nancy Garniez, piano

Debra Kaye — Rant

  • Diliana Momtchilova, cello

Jennifer Griffith — Five Easy Pieces (in A)

  1. Arnold
  2. Anton
  3. Alban
  4. Aaron
  5. Alberto
  • Yvonne Troxler, piano

Richard Brooks — Trio

  • Yuri Vodovoz, violin, Diliana Momtchilova, cello, Nancy Garniez, piano


Tuesday, May 21, 2004


Second Presbyterian Church

Stanley Grill — Imaginary Dances: 1, 2, 3, and 6

  • Jorge Avila, violin

Sean Hickey — Left at the Fork in the Road

  • Margaret Lancaster, flute; David Ciucevich, clarinet; Alden Banta, bassoon

Edward Ficklin — O You whom I often

  • Jean-Paul Bjorlin, tenor; Nancy Gamier, piano

Edward Ficklin — Trickle Drops

  • Jean-Paul Bjorlin, tenor; Nancy Gamier, piano

Debra Kaye — Where You Are

  • Jean-Paul Bjorlin, tenor; Nancy Gamier, piano

Benjamin Morss — A Journal of Desire Armed

  • Cesar Vuksic, piano

Donald Hagar — Ripple Effect

  • Nancy Ogle, soprano; Ana Milosavljevic, violin; Lynn Bechtold, violin; Anna Reynolds Cooper, viola; Jennifer Devore, cello

Gayther Myers— Canebra on the Choawn: Excerpt from Act I, Scene 3

  • Susan Daum, Elizabeth Lawrence, Jane, Rady, soprano; Crate Herbert, mezzo-soprano; Matthew Garrett, Daniel Molkentin, tenor; Derrick Ballard, Marvin Low, bass-baritone

Miki Nakanishi — Snow Dance

  • Ana Milosavljevic, violin; Delia Raab-Snyder, clarinet; Jennifer Devore, cello; Nada Maria Loutfi, piano

Lois Dilivio— Three Movements for Wind Quintet

  1. I. Something About Innocence
  2. II. The Chewy Center of Darkness
  3. III. Ruby Keeler Calliope
  • Margaret Lancaster, flute; Delia Raab-Snyder, clarinet; Daniel Partridge, French horn; Christopher Wickham, bassoon

Andy Teirstein — Ballade, for banjo and string quartet

  • Andy Teirstein, banjo; Ana Milosavljevic, violin; Lynn Bechtold, violin; Anna Reynolds Cooper, viola; Jennifer Devore, cello


2003-2004 — Season 2