Summer NYC Conert Reviews and Notes
Saturday, August 16, 2014 1:08 PM
by Independent Concert Reviewer Mark Greenfest
Please note that some of these reviews and notes are from the recent archives. However, we feel that they are well worth posting.
The New York Composers Circle held its annual concert at the Nimoy Thalia theater at Symphony Space (Broadway & 95th Streets) on June 7, 2014 at 8 pm. The program consisted of Hubert S. Howe, Tetrachordal Etudes for Solo Piano, with Franceso Prode, piano; Nina Siniakova, Nocturne for Piano, performed by her; the late Cesar Vuksic,Tango Moods, for piano 4 hands, with Marcia Eckert; Scott D. Miller, Mouth that Tears the Land, an electronic micro-opera for clarinet, organ, helicopter, air raid siren, and the voices of Richard Nixon and Jospeh McCarthy; David Brooks, ‘Metamorphosis’ Variations for Piano with himself on piano; Joseph Pehrson, Docudrama, for cello and piano, with Arthur Cook, cello, and Marcia Eckert, piano; Roger Blanc, Three Movements for Piano, with Nina Siniakova, piano; and, Eric Segerstrom, Two Poems, for violin, cello, and piano, with Gregor Kitzis, violin, Andrew Borkowski, cello, and Nina Siniakova, piano. Most of the pieces were by members, several of whom are renowned musicians. Mr. Segerstrom’s piece, which was very appealing, had won the NYCC 2013 Competition; he is a young guest composer. Mr. David Brooks, whose piano piece was a New York premiere, is also a young guest performer. His piece was of extraordinary quality, with virtuosic modern technique and emotional punch. The NYCC (, as a composers and performers organization, presents some very intriguing and enjoyable concerts on a regular basis, and has done so for around a decade.
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