New York City Concert Notes and Reviews
Sunday, March 2, 2014 12:56 PM
By independent New York concert reviewer Mark Greenfest
New York Composers Circle, a membership organization of composers and performers held a concert at St. Peter’s Lutheran at Citicorp Center, Feburary 14, 2014, with pieces by Memrie Innerarity, Nailah Nokembeko, David Picton, Richard Brooks, Dana Dimitri Richardson, and Max Giteck Duykers. The performers included such respected or nationally reknowned artists as pianists Yvonne Troxler and Craig Ketter, flutists Michael Laderman and Margaret Lancaster, violinist Lynn Bechtold, clarinetist Amy Advocat, cellist Kirsten Jerme, oboist Greg Weissman, and trumpeter Ron Pamposa.
The Innerarity piece, Dialogue for Trumpet and Piano, is very amiable and joyous. Nailah Nombeko, Piece for Oboe and Piano, is beautiful and invigorating – lyrical lines, with stacatto piano contrasting with legato oboe. David Picton’s Lovers’ Dreams, has a Debussy-like lyrical playfulness. Richard Brooks’ What Goes Around… has a taut dialogue with lovely sound. Dana D. Richardson’s Hebraic Sonata, breathes new life into ancient folk and religious melodies – the lyrical clarinet line and percussive piano line vary enough to be quite fascinating. Max G. Duykers’ Deep Lines, has a painterly treatment – gentle waves, flutter-tonguing and other colorist impressions provide an intriguing atmosphere, akin to Debussy’s Afternoon of a Faun.
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