Simona Smirnova: "Bird Language" official album release show
Monday, January 31, 2022 8:32 AM
April 14th (Thursday) 9pm
Rockwood Music Hall, stage 3
185 Orchard St, New York, NY 10002
New York Composers Circle composer member Simona Smirnova is releasing her third album "Bird Language". The album combines Simona's original compositions for vocals, Lithuanian zither - kanklės, jazz quartet, string quartet, saxophone and background vocals. Recorded by well known local New York engineers Mike Marciano and mixed/mastered by Dave Darlington, the album is a combination of jazz compositions and Lithuanian folk music dedicated to nature and its different phenomena.
Simona's performances are lively, entertaining, theatrical and often interactive, while Simona's band members: Caili O'Doherty on piano, Marcelo Maccagnan on upright bass and M. Ch on drums, color the performance with their masterfull improvisations.
Tickets $15: https://rockwoodmusichall.com/event/simone-smirnova-bird-language-official-album-release-show/