Jacob Goodman Performance Announcement

Saturday, February 13, 2021 1:55 PM

NYCC founding composer-member Jacob Goodman has announced that his work Variations on a Theme of Beethoven has been performed by Libby Kardontchik, piano on a concert presented by NACUSA’s San Francisco chapter. The concert was streamed live on YouTube on February 12, 2021 from The Center for New Music in San Francisco. Goodman’s work is one of seven works presented on the program, which included the following:

  • Davide Verotta, Crisp, Keisuke Nakagoshi, piano 
  • Simon Bokman, Ballet-Sonata for PianoIrina Behrendt, piano
  • Sheli Nan, Journey--The Song Cycle, David Grogan, baritone; Charlene Sutton, piano
  • John Bilotta, The League of Minor Characters, Amy Foote, soprano; Libby Kardontchik, piano
  • Jacob E. Goodman, Variations on a Theme of Beethoven, Libby Kardontchik, piano
  • Greg Steinke, Colvin House Haunts, Charmian Stewart, violin; Anne Lerner, violoncello
  • Greg Bartholomew, Cornices, Monica Smythe, flute; Chris Aagard, oboe; Matthew Weiss and Melinda Minch, violins; Susanna Haley, viola; Aaron Nation, cello

NACUSA is the National Association of Composers/USA and has chapters around the country. The concert, which was recorded separately by all the performers, was broadcast live at 8 PM Pacific time, and has since begun streaming on YouTube. You may view the recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7C3jsyblgI&feature=youtu.be