Spread Spectrum Russian Festival Info
Thursday, July 16, 2020 11:31 AM
Several New York Composers Circle composers will take part in Russia's Spread Spectrum Music Festival, online this Saturday, July 18, starting at 6:30 AM New York time (1:30 PM Moscow time), with events throughout the day from New York, Moscow, Tokyo, Stuttgart, Melbourne, St. Petersburg, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Kazan, and more. It will feature music and video presentations for piano, organ, strings, brass, chamber ensembles and live electronics by NYCC members Robert S. Cohen, Frederick Boyle, Timothy Lee Miller, Eugene Marlow, Kevin McCarter, Paul Aljian, David Mecionis, Patricia Leonard, Dary John Mizelle, Linda Marcel, Hubert Howe, Eric Heilner, Chris Sahar, Catherine Neville and Scott D. Miller, in addition to many other international composers. NYCC composer member Nina Siniakova and performer member Craig Ketter are featured in several performances. The full line up of performances is as follows:
Performance Times of the Spread Spectrum Festival, 18 July 2020
Times are shown for Moscow region and for Eastern U.S. (Eastern Standard Time “EST”)
English translations are provisional and may be improved.
The website will be fully updated and showing festival content on the morning of July 18.
Spread Spectrum:
Spread Spectrum FaceBook group:
- 1:30 PM, Moscow (6:30 AM, EST):
Rushaniya Nizamutdinova, “Electroacoustic improvisation”
- 2:00 PM, Moscow (7:00 AM, EST):
Leonid Zvolinsky, “X-SynapseL” для блокфлейты и лайв-электроники
(for recorder and live electronics)
- 2:15 PM, Moscow (7:15 AM, EST):
Robert S. Cohen, “Galapagos Suite” for piano
Performed by Craig Ketter, piano
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 2:30 PM, Moscow (7:30 AM, EST):
Alex Nadzharov, “Live at esg-21 (ГЭЗ-21) 27.01.13”
- 2:45 PM, Moscow (7:45 AM, EST):
Frederick Boyle, “Electric Slonimsky #1” for electronics
Performed by Frederick Boyle, computer and fixed media
- 2:50 PM, Moscow (7:50 AM, EST):
Alexander Senko, «Счастливые числа Ейлера» (“Lucky Euler numbers”)
(This piece was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 3:10 PM, Moscow (8:10 AM, EST):
Газинур Рахматуллин (Gazinur Rakhmatullin), “Cathedral”
- 3:25 PM, Moscow (8:25 AM, EST):
Anton Rovner. Ноктюрн для соло скрипки (“Nocturne” for solo violin)
- 3:30 PM, Moscow (8:30 AM, EST):
«Трио Studium» (“Trio Studio”) Arrangement by Sergey Belikov
Татьяна Гордеева (сопрано), Илья Бажин (фортепиано), Дмитрий Гордеев (перкуссия). Аранжировка - Сергей Беликов
Tatyana Gordeeva (soprano), Ilya Bazhin (piano), Dmitry Gordeev (percussion).
- Daquin. Le Coucou.
- F. Durante. Danza, danza.
- Giu. Caccini-Vavilov. Ave Maria.
- Скарлатти «Се флориндо» (Scarlatti “Se florindo”)
- А.Ровнер. Монтеверди. (A. Rovner. Monteverdi)
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 4:00 PM, Moscow (9:00 AM, EST):
Anton Rovner. «Созерцание для скрипки и фортепиано» (памяти Бориса Петровича Юргенсона)
(“Contemplation” for violin and piano (in memory of Boris Petrovich Jurgenson))
- 4:10 PM, Moscow (9:10 AM, EST):
The ensemble of contemporary academic music and multimedia "Spread spectrum ensemble" (Artistic Director: Rushaniya Nizamutdinova). Ансамбль Расширение спектра.
- А. Ровнер «Что спать ты ночью не даешь» (Anton Rovner, "What do you not sleep at night")
- С. Беликов. Цикл «Игра банальностей» (S. Belikov, The cycle “The game of platitudes”)
- До мажор (C major)
- Лирический центр (The lyric center)
- Игра в лошадки (The game of horses)
- Rushaniya Nizamutdinova, “Effulgence” for flute, piano and live electronics
Performed by I. Bazhin, S. Maksyutova, A. Pankova, R. Amirkhanov, M. Mukhametzyanov. Artistic Director, R. Nizamutdinova.
- 4:30 PM, Moscow (9:30 AM, EST):
Dmitry Shubin, «Частичные объекты» лайв электроника +рояль (“Partial Objects” live electronics + piano)
- 5:00 PM, Moscow (10:00 AM, EST):
Timothy Lee Miller, selections from “Intervals: Three Etudes for Piano” (Etude II and III)
Performed by Nina Siniakova
(This video was produced specifically for the festival.)
- 5:05 PM, Moscow (10:05 AM, EST):
Eugene Marlow, “A la Russe” and “La Nageuse Incessante” for piano solo
Performed by Craig Ketter, piano
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 5:15 PM, Moscow (10:15 AM, EST):
Dan Flanagan, “Rhapsody in Discomfort #3: Covids ‘Я‘ Us” for violin solo
Performed by Dan Flanagan, violin
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 5:30 PM, Moscow (10:30 AM, EST):
Boris Shershenkov, “Cochlea” (2020), импровизационная пьеса для авторского инструмента Limacon (improvisational piece for the author's instrument, the Limacon)
- 5:50 PM, Moscow (10:50 AM, EST):
Rushaniya Nizamutdinova, “Effulgence” for recording and live electronics (performed in Moscow).
- 6:00 PM, Moscow (11:00 AM, EST):
Denis Pisarevsky:
- Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703) "Recit de tiere en taille" (Premier live d'orgue une messe et les hymnes principles fetes de l'annee)
- Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Praeludium et Fuga in g, BWV 535
- August Gottfried Homilius (1714-1785) Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott (Trio), HoWV VIII.14
- Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) Praludium und Fuge g-Moll, WoO 10
- Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Sechs Fugen uber den Namen Bach, Op. 60: Nr. 2 in B-Dur, Lebhaft
- Jean Guillou (1930-2019) "Hyperion ou la Rhetorique de Feu", Op. 45:IV. "Agni-Ignis"
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 6:45 PM, Moscow (11:45 AM, EST):
Electroacoustic duo R. Nizamutdinova/ N. Golikov (P. Низамутдинова (среда программирования) и Н. Голиков (модульный синтезатор), свет - И. Мустафин (Прибор Электронный художник, ТО Прометей). Москва ГЦСИ
(R. Nizamutdinova (programming environment) and N. Golikov (modular synthesizer), the light - I. Mustafin (Electronic Device artist, Prometheus) Moscow NCCA.)
- 7:00 PM, Moscow (12:00 PM, EST):
Kevin McCarter, “Song and Response” for flauto d'amore solo
Performed by Ginevra Petrucci, flauto d'amore (of the Flauto d'Amore Project)
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- Eugene Marlow, “Poignant Touch” for flauto d'amore solo
Performed by Ginevra Petrucci, flauto d'amore (of the Flauto d'Amore Project)
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- Paul Aljian, “From Under the Cloud” for flauto d'amore solo
Performed by Ginevra Petrucci, flauto d'amore (of the Flauto d'Amore Project)
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- David Mecionis, “Serial Distancing” for flauto d'amore and flugelhorn
Performed by Ginevra Petrucci, flauto d'amore; Nathan Hudson, flugelhorn (of the Flauto d'Amore Project)
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 7:10 PM, Moscow (12:10 PM, EST):
Patricia Leonard, “50 (America Reimagined)” for piano solo
Performed by Patricia Leonard, voice and piano
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 7:15 PM, Moscow (12:15 PM, EST):
Gazinoor Rakhmatullin, Инсталляция “Соната de visu” (“Sonata de visu” installation)
- 7:25 PM, Moscow (12:25 PM, EST):
Dary John Mizelle, “Mudra”
Performed by Dary John Mizelle, computer and fixed media; dance choreographed and performed by Mariko Endo; film by Fred Hatt; costumes by Lex Braes.
(This film and dance were recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 7:30 PM, Moscow (12:30 PM, EST):
Linda A. Marcel, “When There Was Water,” a Screen dance with “Distant Waves” for flute solo. Performed by Leonardo Grittani, flute; film by John Crawford; choreographer Lisa Naugle; dancers, DTM2 Ensemble.
(This film and dance were recorded specifically for the festival.)
Information: https://embodied.net/when-there-was-water/
- 7:40 PM, Moscow (12:40 PM, EST):
Hubert Howe, “Inharmonic Fantasy No. 10”
Performed by Spread spectrum ensemble: Rushaniya Nizamutdinova and Rezeda Amirkhanova, Kazan.
- 7:50 PM, Moscow (12:50 PM, EST):
Hubert Howe, “Broken Glass,” a Screen dance with “Enharmonic Fantasy No. 13”
Performed by Hubert Howe, computer and fixed media; film by John Crawford; Choreographer, Lisa Naugle; dancers, DTM2 Ensemble.
(This film and dance were recorded specifically for the festival.)
Information: https://embodied.net/broken-glass/
- 8:00 PM, Moscow (1:00 PM, EST):
Robert S. Cohen, “Do Not Enter” for tuba and piano
Performed by Tim Buzbee, tuba; Stefan Cassomenos, piano
This performance was recorded in Australia on 24 April, during the COVID-19 lockdown.
- 8:15 PM, Moscow (1:15 PM, EST):
Frederic Rzewski, “Judgment Day,” arranged by Jacob Elkin for solo trombone with delay lines. Performed by Jacob Elkin, trombone and delay.
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 8:25 PM, Moscow (1:25 PM, EST):
Eric Heilner, “Inventionals and Sketches” for piano solo
Performed by Craig Ketter, piano
(This video was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 8:47 PM, Moscow (1:47 PM, EST):
Alex Nadzharov, “Impro 26.02.15”
- 9:17 PM, Moscow (2:17 PM, EST):
Chris Sahar “Mysteries and Hysterics” for two cellos
Performed by Bryan Hayslett and Ricardo Sardiñas, cellos
(This film was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 9:20 PM, Moscow (2:20 PM, EST):
Catherine Neville, “Danses” for violin solo
Performed by Dan Flanagan, violin
(This film was recorded specifically for the festival.)
- 9:25 PM, Moscow (2:25 PM, EST):
Gene Pritsker, “Pandemic Dances”
Performed by Gene Pritsker, John Clark, Max Pollak, Carson Cooman, Omar Kabir, Christof Knoche
- 9:50 PM 2:50 PM, EST):
Scott D. Miller, “Paganini Monotype” for fixed media
Prepared by Scott D. Miller
- 9:56 PM, Moscow (2:56 PM, EST):
The ensemble of contemporary academic music and multimedia "Spread spectrum"Arrangement of Tatar folk song Zilailuk for voice and electronics
- 10:00(?) PM, Moscow (3:00(?) PM, EST):
Frederick Boyle, “Electric Slonimsky #2 and #3” for electronics
Performed by Frederick Boyle, computer and fixed media
- ? PM, Moscow (? PM, EST):
David Mecionis, “Post-ambient Live Improvisations”, #18/21, 16, 9
Performed by David Mecionis on Akai AX60 synthesizer, and Alesis Microverb.
- ? PM, Moscow (? PM, EST):
Rushaniya Nizamutdinova, “Electroacoustic improvisation” (in Kremlin).