Last Night's Concert . . .

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 8:50 AM

Last night's concert was a wonderful demonstration of the diversity and quality of our members' music -- a really interesting and varied program of works that couldn't be more different from one another.  It was the first time I have heard a piece by Richard Brooks that had a significant amount of improvisation in it.  We had a work by Eric Heilner that featured "tag-team" oboes, and when you heard the piece, that description made perfect sense.  We had two composers playing in their own pieces (David See on piano and David Mecionis on electric guitar), and a piece by Monroe Golden that veered into microtonality of a syntonic comma.  There was a meditation on the loss of a loved one by Peri Mauer, and an unusually expressive minimalistic work by Alabama composer Kyle McGucken.  A really excellent concert.


Don't forget our salon a week from Sunday!


Emeritus Professor Hubert S. Howe, Jr.

Aaron  Copland School of Music

Queens College C.U.N.Y.

Flushing, New York 11367

(929) 344-2209