Hubert Howe Gets 2nd Russian Performance
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 6:41 AM
On November 3, 2019, Spread Spectrum Ensemble will perform a concert of electroacoustic music by American and Russian composers, including the music of Hubert Howe, Gene Pritsker, Bohuslav Martinu, and Anton Rovner, as well as music by Claude Debussy. Also on the program is a video by electroacoustic duo Rushiniya Nizamutdinova and Nikolay Golikov, as well as a performance by Ilnur Mustafin of baroque and jazz music.
The concert will be held at the Kazan National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan and will begin at 6:00 PM (Moscow Standard Time - GMT+3). Further details may be found on the museum's website (https://tatmuseum.ru/events/noch-iskusstv/), or on their Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/580179382512440). The concert flyer is below, for those who can read Russian.