January 27 Salon Details

Tuesday, January 22, 2019 11:04 AM

New York Composers Circle Salon 

Season's Fifth Salon

Sunday, January 27, 2019, 2:00-5:00 PM

MacKay Studio, The National Opera American Center

330 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor

New York City



1.   Discussion of Organizational Matters and Reports (1:00-2:00 PM) 

This discussion will take place in the same location as the salon, and members are invited to attend.


2.  Audition of Works by Members and Guests (2:00-4:30 PM) 

Dana Richardson, The Mermaid for Piano solo, live recording, duration 9 minutes: https://youtu.be/9J_V7_iZrrA

Philip Foster, Video of excerpt of Cosmography 2 (3:35), Video of Cosmography 2 revised (6:08), Score for Cosmography 4.

Monroe Golden, I'm Worried Now for remapped and retuned keyboard, video recording of live performance, duration 13 minutes.

Timothy L. Miller, Concerto for Orchestra, MIDI performance, duration 5½ minutes.

Tamara Cashour, Forbearance for chorus and bird sounds, MIDI realization, duration 6 minutes.

Eric Heilner, Elegy in Rhythm for String Orchestra, MIDI performance, duration 9 minutes.

David See, Upon Sylvia, A Mistress for Chorus, MIDI realization, duration 3 minutes.

Andersen Viana, Canto Modal for Saxophone Quartet, recording of live performance, duration 5 minutes.

Dary John Mizelle, excerpt from String Quartet IX,  MIDI realization, duration 12 minutes.

Any remaining time will be devoted to auditioning works brought to the Salon.


3.  Refreshments (4:30-5:00 PM)

Emeritus Professor Hubert S. Howe, Jr.

Aaron  Copland School of Music

Queens College C.U.N.Y.

Flushing, New York 11367

(929) 344-2209
