David Mecionis: Upcoming Performances

Tuesday, September 25, 2018 10:49 AM

Composer-member, David Mecionis provides the following information regarding upcoming performances of his music:

Friday, September 28, 7:30pm
ASK (Arts Society of Kingston)
97 Broadway, Kingston

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Sunday, November 4, 3:00pm
New Paltz United Methodist Church
1 Grove Street, New Paltz

**** The same Program will be presented on both dates ****


Duo for Clarinet and Bassoon: Gordon Jacob (1895-1984)
The Seed of Dream,for mezzo-soprano, cello and piano: Lori Laitman (b. 1955)
Sonata (Three Lakes), for flute and piano: Daniel Dorff (b. 1956)
Trio in Two Parts with an Interval Between, for oboe, bassoon & viola: David Mecionis (b. 1967)
Solilóquio for Solo Violin: Marcos Lucas (b. 1964)
Sonatina for Violin and Cello: George Antheil (1900-1959)

Website link: http://poneensemble.org/concerts.htm