Birmingham Art Music Alliance

Sunday, October 7, 2018 8:33 AM

Dear members,

As you know, this season we had a chance to try something new and swap performances with another group of composers, the Birmingham Art Music Alliance.  There was strong interest on both ends, and each side has now made their selection of pieces. I am pleased to announce that we will be performing two works by the BAMA composers:

Kyle McGucken, Departure (fl, bs cl, vn, vc).  This work will be on our March 19, 2019 concert at Marc A. Scorca Hall.

William Price, Twist (woodwind quintet).  This will be on our April 23, 2019 concert at the Little Church Around the Corner.

Three of our works were selected by BAMA:

Bunny Beck, Suite for Sarro (vn, va, vc), which will be presented on October 21, 2018 at the Samford University Brock Recital Hall.

Catherine Neville, Bird's Quartet (ob, cl, va, vc) will be part of the Spring 2019 BAMA Players concert (date and location TBD).

David Mecionis, Obstinate Duet (fl, cl) will be presented on October 19, 2018 at the Hoover Library.

Congratulations to Bunny, Catherine and David!

The fact that they are performing three of our works while we are performing only two of theirs is due to the number of instruments involved in their works.

I would also like to congratulate Monroe Golden, who is a member of both groups and helped facilitate this exchange.

Hubert S. Howe

Executive Director