NYCC Jazz Concert April 8

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 11:27 AM

On Wednesday April 8 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, the famous Zinc Bar (2 West 3rd Street between Thompson & Sullivan) will be hosting an evening of NYCC Jazz, featuring the following acts:

The NYCC Jazz Quintet, featuring Roger Blanc, Emiko Hayashi, Michael Laderman, David Picton, and Nobuyuki Yamasaki, with guest artist Dary John Mizelle

The Nina Siniakova Trio, with Michael Hojnacky and John Koozinand

The Heritage Ensemble, featuring composer/pianist Eugene Marlowe and latin jazz drumming great Bobby Sanabria

This is our second season, there is a cash bar, and you are strongly encouraged to attend!