Composition Opportunities
Thursday, November 13, 2014 11:14 AM
Several opportunities for composers have hit the wires recently.
First up, Max Giteck Duykers forwards details on the Bang on a Can Summer Music Festival:
The Bang on a Can Summer Music Festival at MASS MoCA
Festival dates: July 13 - Aug 2, 2015
Festival Location: MASS MoCA (Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, Berkshire Mountains in Western MA)
Application Deadline: January 15, 2015
website and online applications:
The Bang on a Can Summer Music Festival at MASS MoCA is a three-week residency and musical utopia for innovative composers and performers dedicated entirely to adventurous contemporary music. There are daily composition seminars, rehearsals, and performances in the museum galleries, and the residency concludes with a six-hour blow-out Marathon Concert featuring performances by the student/faculty ensembles. The program also includes world music workshops, an orchestra of original instruments, technology and music business seminars and more. Faculty is comprised of Bang on a Can founders Michael Gordon, David Lang, and Julia Wolfe, members of the Bang on a Can All-Stars, eighth blackbird, and more faculty and special guests.
Contact: Philippa Thompson, Bang on a Can (718) 852-7755,
Next, Gene McBride calls our attention the InnoVox Ensemble's 2014 International Green Call for Scores. The ensemble seeks "environmentally-inspired scores for its annual Green Concert, to be held in January of 2015." The deadline is coming up soon: December 1. Details can be found at
And speaking of deadlines, NYCC composers! You are reminded that the deadline for submitting scores to the NYCC Programming Committee (John Eaton, Chair, Richard Brooks, John de Clef Piñeiro, Jacob E. Goodman, and Hubert Howe) is December 31, 2014. If you have not received an email detailing how to submit a score, please let us know so that we can forward the details to you.