Many NYCC Composers Involved with Periapsis Music & Dance

Friday, March 15, 2013 8:45 AM

Jonathan Howard Katz is a co-artistic director of a new music and dance group, Periapsis. You will note many familiar NYCC names in their upcoming concerts, including Hubert Howe, Richard Brooks, and Dana Dimitri Richardson.

For more information, see their website:

Schedule at a glance:

Friday, March 15: Crux at Queens College
Sunday, March 17: Audition for contemporary ballet dancers
Thursday, May 16: Periapsis at the Queens New Music Festival
Monday, May 20: Periapsis at the Actors Fund Arts Center
Wednesday, June 26: Periapsis at NYC10

Schedule in detail:
Friday, March 15: Crux at Queens College
8:00 pm; LeFrak Concert Hall, Flushing, NY; FREE
Our artistic directors Leigh Schanfein and Jonathan Howard Katz present their joint piece Crux in Professor Hubert Howe's faculty concert, along with music by Howe, Richard Brooks, and Raoul Pleskow. Ben Arendsen will conduct the New York Edge Ensemble.

Thursday, May 16 and Monday, May 20: Spring program
Join us for our spring concerts! Our artistic directors will each present two pieces, and we're thrilled to have guest choreographers Erin Dillon, Lorena Egan, Yesid Lopez, and Sarah Mettin, and music by Kati Agócs, James Holt, Mary Kouyoumdjian, and Frederic Rzewski. The concert on May 16 will be the opening night of the Queens New Music Festival at the Secret Theatre in Long Island City. We will present the same program on May 20 at the Actors Fund Arts Center in Brooklyn. Both shows will begin at 8:00 pm. Tickets for the QNMF are available online, and tickets for our Brooklyn show will be available soon.

Wednesday, June 26: Periapsis at the NYC10 Dance Initiative
Periapsis Music and Dance presents Leigh Schanfein's Tra:verse Re:verse in the NYC10 Dance Initiative! Set to MOERAE [The Fates] by Mary Kouyoumdjian, the piece, which premiered at our Inaugural Concert, will be performed by dancers Mike Hodge and Leigh Schanfein and musicians Francis Liu, Aminda Asher, and Jonathan Howard Katz.

Jonathan Howard Katz and Leigh Schanfein
Co-Artistic Directors, Periapsis Music and Dance