John Eaton: Musical Retrospective

Monday, February 11, 2013 8:34 AM

John Eaton's career will be surveyed in a musical retrospective on February 25. John writes in:

Dear friends:

On February 25th at 7:30 there will be a concert of over 55 years of my chamber music and operatic arias called A Musical Portrait of John Eatonin the Mary Flagler Cary auditorium at the Baryshnikov Center. Following the concert there will be a release party for the Albany DVD, THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON, my last Pocket Opera.

It will feature the remarkable soprano Sharon Harms, as well as conductor Carmen Helena Tellez, oboist Patricia Morehead, and Pianists Vicky Chow, Christopher Oldfather and Philip Morehead.

Here are the compositions to be performed: Song Cycle on Holy Sonnets of John Donne; Microtonal Fantasy, Arias from HERACLES, THE REVEREND JIM JONES and KING LEAR; "Golk" Sonatina for Oboe and Piano; Sor Juana Songs.
Hoping you can attend and let everyone you can know about it.
