Debra Kaye Featured in Composer's Concordance Festival

Tuesday, December 3, 2013 10:10 AM

Debra Kaye's piece, Three, is composed for a trio of pianos. She writes, "In thinking about this combination I became interested in the timbre of the three vibrating instruments and what might happen as they combine." The piece is included in the 3rd annual Composers Concordance Festival, the concert "Three's Keys" December 4 at 8pm. (NOTE: The concert originally scheduled for 7pm, now moved later to 8pm.)

Taka Kigawa, Inna Faliks, & Carlton Holmes
December 4th, 2013 at 8pm
211 West 58th Street, NYC Map
Tickets: $15:

As part of its 3rd annual festival, entitled Timbre Tantrum, Composers Concordance (“enterprising new music organization” -NYTimes) presents the all-piano event 'Three's Keys,' featuring Taka Kigawa ("extraordinary pianist" -NYTimes,) Inna Faliks ("Signature blend of grace and raw power" -Lucid Culture,) and Carlton Holmes ("Inventive" -Jazziz,) hosted by Klavierhaus on December 4th. At Klavierhaus' recital hall, each pianist will present a 20-minute solo set of their own contemporary repertoire, including music by Shchedrin, Zhurbin, Ellington, Palkowski, Monk, and Alexander. For the grand finale, performers and audience will reconvene in the adjoining piano showroom, for a triple-piano suite composed by Dan Cooper, Sean Hickey, Debra Kaye, Milica Paranosic, and Gene Pritsker. This suite will performed on Klavierhaus' antique instruments, including a 19th-Century Pleyel. The concert will be followed by a brief reception.