Wednesday, September 1, 2010 8:11 PM
From all of us at the New York Composers Circle, hope you had a great and productive summer! It's time for us to begin gearing up for the next season of the NYCC. As many of you know, we welcome RICHARD BROOKSas our new Executive Director, joined by DON HAGARin a new role of Associate Executive Director. And of course we thank JOHN DE CLEF PIÑEIROfor his untiring years of service heading our collective. This year's first meeting will be our SEPTEMBER SALON, to be held Sunday, September 19, at 1:00pm. We'll be meeting in Jacob Goodman's apartment, 310 West 72 Street (#16A) at 1pm. (We had previously published another day and meeting place, so be sure to update your calendar.) We will precede the event with a Steering Committee meeting at noon for those who are interested. It's a time for new beginnings in a new season; we very much hope to see you at our Salon!