Pianist Nancy Garniez Presents The Acoustical Kaleidoscope

Saturday, March 13, 2010 7:38 PM

Pianist Nancy Garniez



Imagining the Piano as a Place in Play

Three Informal Sunday Afternoons of Music and Talk

March 21, April 25, May 16 at 4 p.m.

The TENRI Institute 43a W. 13th St. in Manhattan

Playing representative works of three centuries, pianist and innovative musical thinker Nancy Garniez invites you to imagine the piano in the hands of the mostly young people who “made up” up the instrument as it evolved – much the way young people play their way into mastery of modern-day technology.

She proposes an instrument free of its association with right notes and wrong notes, restoring the novelty it never lost during the lifetimes of Haydn, Mozart, Chopin, and of Bartok and other 20th century composers as they adjusted to equal temperament.

In this spirit she will introduce improvisatory games that anyone can play at the piano to experience anew its marvelous acoustics—sounds which defy electronic synthesis.

Nancy Garniez has been performing solo and chamber recitals here and abroad for many years. She has taught piano and chamber music at Mannes College since 1972. She is the author of What Might It Mean: An Uncommon Glossary of Musical Terms and Concepts for the Stuck, Bored and Curious (1999) and of numerous articles on the musical life. She is the creator of Tonal Refraction®, a method that objectifies subjective aspects of tone perception.

Tickets, available at the door, are $20 ($55 for the series); $10 for students and seniors; $5 for children under 12.