Saturday, March 27, 2010 7:48 PM

Tomorrow is our MARCH SALON: Sunday: March 28, at 3:30 pm in the rehearsal studio of Symphony Space, 95th street and Broadway. We will have a special guest on hand: Alexa Babakhanian (composer, pianist and singer) will talk briefly about her current work, setting very short Japanese tanka verses with music, art, dance, and video. She will also present to us a live reduced version of some of the settings that will involve music, dance, video, and reading of the verses. In addition, she will talk about the project, which is based on Hokusai’s series of prints known as “One Hundred Poets.”

All are invited; hope to see you in our new time and space!


Our SECOND CONCERT of our 2009-2010 season is next Tuesday, March 30, 2010 at 7:30 pm. This concert will be at Symphony Space Thalia, and is billed as a 75th Birthday celebration for Honorary Member, JOHN EATON. The NYCC celebrates its collaboration with the a special guest ensemble, the No Borders Quartet ensemble from Italy, on its first concert tour in the USA, which will feature prominently in many of the evening’s performances. $20 tickets are payable at the door. Here’s the concert lineup:

Richard Brooks, Circular Motions 

John de Clef Piñeiro, Rhapsody in Blues

John Eaton, Some Spectres

Brian Fennelly, Three’s Company 

Patricia Leonard, Venetian Moonlight 

Dana Dimitri Richardson, Pan and Selene

Please join us as we welcome our special guests from Italia!


Tonight (Saturday, March 27) JOSEPH PEHRSON‘s  “Mating” for electric guitar and cello will be featured at the Parkside Lounge. Greg Baker plays electric guitar with Dan Barrett on cello. This should be an exciting show—from 8:30PM to 10:30PM—a combined effort between the International Street Cannibals and the Composers Concordance, with lots of varied pieces. The Parkside Lounge is at 317 East Houston between Ave. B and C. (Take the F train to Second Ave. and walk east 2 blocks.) Admission is a suggested $7, with the proceeds to be used as a benefit for Haiti.  More info at


JOHN DE CLEF PIÑEIRO‘s aforementioned “Rhapsody in Blues” will not only be performed Tuesday evening at Symphony Space, but also at NYU on Monday, March 29. The piece has been “on tour” in concerts and music festivals in Europe is being “brought back to the U.S.” by the Italian piano/woodwind ensemble No Borders Quartet as part of its first U.S. concert tour.


Mezzo-soprano Christina Goyne will perform a special arrangement of RICHARD RUSSELL‘s “When Time is Over” on Thursday, April 8, at 8pm. The venue is Christ and St. Stephens at 120 West 69th Street. Also on the program are selections by Gounod, Debussy, and Brahms; The accompanist is Jason Wirth. The concert is free, but pay-what-you-wish donations accepted!