Saturday, February 9, 2008 4:44 PM

Don’t forget our next Sunday Salon is tomorrow, February 10, from 2-5 pm in the Ellington Room, Manhattan Plaza, 400 West 43, 2nd floor. 

Also, the remaining Sunday Salons of the year have been confirmed at the same venue. The dates are March 9, April 13, May 18, and June 1. Thanks as always to GENE MCBRIDE for his work in securing this great space!


Our next NYCC concert is almost here: February 23 at 7:30pm (note the early start time) at the Thalia at Symphony Space, Broadway and 95th Street. Producers PATRICIA LEONARD and NOAH HAVERKAMP have been hard at work to insure this is a terrific concert. The evening’s pieces feature works by RICHARD BROOKS, DON HAGAR, FEDOR KABALIN, CARL KANTER, PATRICIA LEONARD, and CHRISTOPHER MONTGOMERY. Help us spread the word by downloading the flier and circulating it to your own mail list: The flier can be found by clicking on the thumbnail at our home page:


A concert on February 17 will feature several NYCC connections. RICHARD RUSSELL‘s Two Rilke Songs will be performed by SOFIA DIMITROVA and STANI DIMITROVA, and percussionist STEPHEN SOLOOK will be premiere a marimba solo composed by Faye-Ellen Silverman. Other composers on the program are Wayne Alpern, David Ames, Ryan Tracy, and Chris Park. The concert is at Mannes College of Music and all of the composers (and most of the performers) are affiliated with Mannes. Still, the concert is open to all! Mannes is at 150 West 85th Street. The concert starts at 1:30pm, and is free; no tickets or reservations necessary.


The Manhattan Choral Ensemble will premiere newly commissioned works by KEVIN MCCARTER Andrew Megill, and George Steel on their March 8 concert.  The

concert is at Earl Hall, Columbia University, at 8 p.m.  The program will also include Benjamin Britten’s Five Flower Songs and other selections from the traditional a cappella choral repertoire.  Admission is $15, $12 for students and seniors.  The website of the chorus is