NYCC at Symphony Space's Thalia

Friday, February 23, 2007 3:13 PM

If you look really close, you can see our name up in lights! It reads: “Tonight!! New Music from the New York Composers Circle” (Click image for a larger view.)

Our Executive Director, John de Clef Piñeiro, had many wishes of thanks to offer. He wrote the following note of thanks and congratulations:

After the December concert at Baruch College, I wrote to you hoping you wouldn’t tire of hearing good news. Clearly, from comments received or overheard, the NYCC had another concert success last night — proving yet again that our NYCC is moving in the right direction as a place for composers and performers, and as a venue for new music!
With 111 tickets issued by the Thalia box office to paying new music concert-goers and complimentary attendees, we had a nearly full house. As the very much impressed Thalia House Manager put it to me, “for a new music concert, it was a great turnout!”
As happened at the last concert in December, not only did members and performers and audience alike express enthusiasm about how the concert went,and not only did we do well in ticket sales with more than 60 full-priced ticket purchasers,and not only did we have the benefit of one of the top new music venues in the city, and not only did we have an aesthetically satisfying concert hall experience, and not only did all of our featured and volunteer composers give of themselves as if to support their own families, but all of this happened again on one of the coldest nights that the NYCC is likely to have this concert season!
The spirit of cooperation among our Members and performers is showing us all how to make a successful presentational statement!
Credits and Special Thanks
-to Richard Brooks for producing a concert that worked;
-to Jacob E. Goodman for an elegantly-designed program;
-to Honorary Member Composer John Eaton for the privilege of premiering one of his recent works;
-to our featured composers (Tamara Cashour, John Eaton, Jacob E. Goodman, Donald Hagar, Noah Haverkamp, Eugene McBride, Nataliya Medvedovskaya, Yekaterina Merkulyeva, and Richard Russell) for providing the many ways in which we can reach our audience;
-to our fine roster of performers, members and non-members alike (Mary Barto, Adam Berkowitz, Tamara Cashour, Tiffany DuMouchelle, David Eggar, Sarah Hatler, Ani Kalayjian, Karl Kramer [conductor], Chi-Chi Lin, Margaret Lancaster, Linda Larson, Ron Lawrence, Eugene McBride [conductor], Nataliya Medvedovskaya, Ana Milosavljevic, Christopher Oldfather, Vassa Shevel, William O. Smith, Stephen Solook, and Cesar Vuksic) for sharing their artistry;
-to Richard Russell for handling venue and contract matters, and performer engagement;
-to Eugene Marlow for his press outreach and related publicity;
-and, finally, to all of our members and performers who notified others of, or encouraged attendance at, our concert.
Thank you all again for showing the NYCC spirit!